Yes, no directions for using Mod Organizer, just manual. So you might need to manually move a few files around before zipping it back up into an archive and installing it via MO2. It adds NVSE to the upper right drop down menu on Mod Organizer - right next to the RUN Button. Its likely the mod is segmented (incorrectly) into different versions or patches instead of using a FOMOD installer or BAIN installer, etc. Title it NVSE and then where it says start from simply look for the NVSE Loader.exe in your FONV main folder and click on it.

Simply go up to the Gears Icon on the upper left. The game and mods run NVSE through the drop down menu on Mod Organizer. Unpack NVSE and install the files in your main Fallout New Vegas folder where ever you have it installed. You install it in the FONV Main folder ONLY. You do not install NVSE in Mod Organizer. I played it a couple of months back on the first version of MO and it worked fine, I even tried using that version again but it didn't work.
Go to Nexus Mod Manager and click 'Add mod from file.' Locate the zip file and click 'Open.' Then, just activate the mod. Click 'Add to archive' from the dropdown list, then make the archive type a.

I install the mods through mod organizer no problem and all but the thing is whenever I launch New Vegas through it, it launches with the mods installed but not with script extender for some reason and when I try to launch the NVSE instead no mods are being launched with it. Some of you have bee tryi g to use my awesome mods for Femshep a d do ’t k ow how well, it took me a while to fumble my way through it as well with the scattered tutorials I’ve fou d o the i ter. Right click on the 'data' folder in your skse/skse64 folder. SwordedGun: Hi, I have a problem with nvse and mod organizer.